Thanks to Jackie for sending along this article, in which meth addict turned mom Jodie Sweetin campaigns hardcore to appear on Dancing With The Stars.
"I really want to do the show," the mother of two tells People.com. "I just want to dance, but the fact that it would be on camera, and I'd get to have my hair and makeup done and wear those costumes? Awesome!"
Not to mention your first paycheck in how long, Sweets?
Jodie points out she even has experience dancing on TV -- in her signature role as Stephanie Tanner on Full House.
"Stephanie was always dancing," she says. "A week or two before a dancing episode, the writers would say, okay, you and your teacher choreograph a routine."
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Then join more than 469 fans at this Facebook group entitled "Jodie Sweetin to be on Dancing With The Stars 2011."