. . . Anne Hathaway and James Franco hosting the Academy Awards next year?!
I was just catching up on tweets while on the TTC for an hour, and had some time to think about it.
In a lot of ways it makes sense to try to grab younger viewers with these hot young thangs.
Hathaway's been nominated for an Oscar in the past for Brokeback Mountain, and speculation is Franco will be nominated this year for 127 Hours.
And if you're going to take a chance on young talent, this duo is nothing if not charismatic.
It appears Franco can and does do literally anything -- comedy, drama, soap operas, university and novel-writing.
And, well, Hathaway's got a great Katie Holmes impression.
It's not the worst decision, in my opinion. But it is a risky one. The at-home audience may be ready for young blood on the Oscar stage, but will those at the live show be willing to give these new kids a chance?
We'll find out February 27, 2011 when the Oscars are handed out.
And on a side note, I totes photoshopped the above photo specifically because Jackie loathes the original so much. I'm that kind of friend.