Wednesday deliciousness: Glee boys

Earlier this season, the Britney episode of Glee made me so angry I had to quit the show for the sake of my sanity.

As a concept, the show has so much potential. I just wish the producers would focus on storylines a little more to actually make the fun musical numbers make sense.

I read the Grilled Cheesus episode was heavy handed, and didn't bother with last week's Duets episode.

But last night I returned to Glee for two reasons: 1. I was at home with nothing to do. And 2. promos had the hot male cast sans shirts.

If nothing else, the show's Rocky Horror episode delivered hot shirtless Matthew Morrison, Cory Monteith and Chord Overstreet.

Much was made in the episode of Finn (Monteith) being too embarrassed of his body to take his shirt off on stage. But damn, I'd say boy looks good!

Newbie Overstreet has referred to himself as the Taylor Lautner of Glee, for his constant shirtlessness -- and I'm quite fine with that.

But I was most happy producers found a way to get Mr. Shuester (Morrison) grautuitously shirtless. Hello teacher!

Full-sized photos inside.

Happy Wednesday!