New Kelly Clarkson: Call Me

Three unreleased Kelly Clarkson tracks were leaked over the weekend, sparking speculation about whether they're off her upcoming fifth studio album.

Call Me (above), Remember and So Far Apart are all rather slow, introspective songs. Halfway through the second song I couldn't help but think "Kelly should be singing this at Lilith Fair in 1999."

Kelly recently tweeted details of her next album, stating it won't be out until early 2011, but the first single will drop by the end of 2010.

"We've almost completed the album. We're gonna have way too many songs to pick from ....and that part sucks," she wrote.

She also revealed there are two duets planned for the album, but didn't reveal with whom.

As for the music style we can expect, it's still anyone's guess. But it seems at least one song will be of the moody, brooding variety.

"There is definitely one song that could have been on My December and it's also a duet," Kelly tweeted.

Click inside to listen to I Remember and So Far Apart.