James Franco on . . .

[I wish this was a real interview, but it actually comes with the disclaimer: "Thought Catalog tried to interview Franco about his book but quickly hit a wall. So we just decided to make one up." Either way, really entertaining]

"It was pretty organic. I mean, this one night at UCLA, my friend Samantha and I were on Adderall and feeling super creative. And I was telling her these stories about growing up in Palo Alto. Samantha finally was like, 'You should write a short story collection about this and call it Palo Alto.' So I thought about it and went to Pinkberry and let the idea marinate. And went back to my apartment and wrote the whole thing."

"Well, I called Esquire magazine and was like, 'I wrote these stories. Do you want to publish one?' And they’re like, “Duh, James Franco.' And then I texted Scribner Publishing my stories and they wrote back, 'OMG. Loves it. Publishing it in October. XOXO.'"

"It was just this gay guy who took me to lunch sometimes and would, like, touch me underneath the table. He never gave me actual notes. Except he did tell me once to wear more blue because it would contrast well with my eyes."
