Polley, Furtado, Hughes join Canada's Walk of Fame

Sarah Polley, Nelly Furtado and Eric McCormack were among the stars inducted to Canada's Walk of Fame at a gala in Toronto over the weekend.

Also joining the ranks of famous Canadians whose names adorn the sidewalks of Toronto's entertainment district are author Farley Mowat, Olympian Clara Hughes, singer David Clayton-Thomas and magician Doug Henning, who died in 2000.

“Canadians are not very comfortable with too much pride,” Polley said at the gala's red carpet. “We don’t like being overexposed. But at the same time, people like Farley and Clara deserve acknowledgement at home. They wouldn’t get this kind of adoring recognition anywhere else.”

Hughes, who I fell in love with during the Olympics earlier this year, continues to be her amazing self.

“I said, ‘Really, you guys chose me?’ I’m not a celebrity,’” she told reporters. “But I feel honoured to be here. And more than anything, I feel humble.”

Canada's Walk of Fame Gala airs Wednesday at 9 p.m. on Global and Slice.