Seth Meyers touches Martha Stewart's hen

I've long had a monster crush on SNL's Seth Meyers, that I'm not sure I've ever fully articulated.

Even back when everyone was all "Oh Jimmy Fallon's so adorable and funny," inside I was all "Yeah, but Seth Meyers is even more adorable and more funny."

And now suddenly I feel vindicated, because y'know who else is a Seth Meyers fan?

Martha Stewart.

Yup, that's right. She's featuring Seth on a new primetime special Saturday night on Hallmark Channel called Men Who Make Us Laugh.

And y'know what makes me laugh? The preview, above.

Watching Seth Meyers grab an egg from Martha Stewart's hen is funny, as is the sight of the duo casually conversing while on horseback.

But funnier than all of that is Seth's inability to keep his composure when the two sit down for an interview.

It's unclear what exactly he's in hysterics about, but I'm guessing it's that fact that he just pulled an egg from Martha Stewart's hen, then took a leisurely ride on a horse alongside the domestic diva.

His laugh is infectious -- press play!