Song of the moment: Tightrope

So how long has Janelle Monae been hyped as music's next big thing?

At least a year, right? I know I've seen her name and her hair and her style in the mags and blogs for a while now.

Unfortunately, I'm often too lazy to try out new music, even when the world assures me I'll love it.

Luckily, however, Janelle performed Tightrope on last week's results episode of So You Think You Can Dance, and I inevitably fell for the tune.

Off her most recent album the Archandroid, it's part pop, part funk, part soul, part rock, and all catchy.

I now realize how silly I was to not jump on Janelle Monae bandwagon earlier.

But better late than never, right?

She's also just released a video for her next single Cold War, which you can watch after the jump.