Score one for Oakville

Because my hometown of Oakville, Ont. gets a bad rap, and is most often in the news for utter ridiculousness, I thought I'd share this latest development because it is at the very least entertaining.

On Monday's episode of Ellen, Kerri Rodden-Kemp, originally from Kilbride, Nfld. and now living in Oakville, shared a ridiculous photo of her huge hair from the 80s.

"I was like 14, grade nine, school photo. Thoguht I was a honey," she said of her massive 80s hair.

Either high on life or something else, Rodden-Kemp couldn't stop from hopping all around the stage and yelping while talking to Ellen.

"I've never been so happy in my whole life!" she exclaimed.

I'm rather excited to report Rodden-Kemp works at the Alice Fazooli's five minutes from my family's house. And yes, I'm now somewhat tempted to go visit and order a drink from her.

"It was surreal. Like, I can't even talk. It was amazing. [Ellen] smelled beautiful. She's gorgeous. I couldn't control myself," Rodden-Kemp told the CBC after her appearance.

I certainly hope this news made the front page of the Oakville Beaver as well.