Quick hits, in case you missed it

Took a break from blogging last week, as I packed up my apartment to move again over the weekend.

If I had time, here's a few things I might've blogged about:

-Arcade Fire won the Polaris Prize. I still have not listened to The Suburbs.

-J.D. Fortune, who has shockingly not won the Polaris Prize, is out of INXS. Again.

-Did you notice that former MuchMusic VJ Hannah Simone co-stars in the new Zooey Deschanel sitcom New Girl? 'Cause she does.

-How awesome was the season premiere of Parks & Recreation? So awesome. I'm still teary-eyed from the ending. Oh jesus.

-I got an email from a PR agency that opened "Hi Chris, Hilary Duff has been going through some really big life changes in the last month." I thought that was pretty funny.

-Modern Family premiered with two new episodes, and the reviews on New Lily were mixed. While Jackie's immediate reaction was "Ew New Lily!" Vanessa argued "She was silent enough to make me believe she was like the other Lily."