Emma Watson takes the cover of December 2010's Vogue UK.
The 20-year-old Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows star tells the mag her new shortly-cropped 'do was a response to wrapping her last film as Hermione Granger.
"For the nine years I was on Harry Potter I was contractually obliged not to cut my hair, not to tan," she says. "When I got the chance to change my appearance, this [gesturing to the hair] is what I did."
And while she loves her look now, she says some of her fashion choices growing up left something to be desired.
"Everyone imagines stylists were on tape from the studio, but we got nothing," she says. "Sometimes I had two days' notice before an event and there was nothing appropriate for a 14-year-old to wear. I'd look in my wardrobe and . . . literally nothing. It was either borrow from my stepmother, or go to the bridesmaid department at Harrods."
Imagine! The horror!
Thankfully Watson has survived such ordeals, and is now a straight-A student at Brown and working on My Week With Marilyn.
Part one of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows hits theatres November 19.