Canadian celebs say it gets better

Rick Mercer, George Smtiherman, Rex Harrington, Deb Pearce, Mark Tewksbury, Anne Marie McDonald and the cast of 1 Girl 5 Gays are among the prominent Canadians speaking out to gay youth in a new It Gets Better video, above.

Participants tell their own stories of being bullied and coming out over some ominous music in the 12-minute professionally-produced clip.

And if you stick around long enough, they talk about how it gets better too!

"I've always been a private person," Mercer told Torontoist about his participation. "I don't necessarily like talking about my personal life that much, but I think if you're in the public eye and you're gay, you kind of have an obligation to at least be out, to a certain extent, for no other reason than gay kids kill themselves. And that's why you do it."

The vid concludes with contact info for the LGBT Youth Line, Kids Help Phone, and the Trevor Project.