
On Saturday Ashley, Darran, Janice Wong and I attended a POP-NXNE rooftop barbecue atop Redbull's Queen St. offices.

It was a festive afternoon of sun, snacks and a few complementary beverages.

It was also an afternoon of spotting former Degrassi star Adamo Ruggiero sitting across the way, in supertight black jeans, brown boots and a grey tee with an incredibly loose neck.

He was also wearing a hat.

Janice texted her friend across the patio to let him know he was sitting right next to a former Degrassi star, in case he didn't realize.

We watched as he received the text, took note, and responded.

"He's nice, but he ain't no Drake."


Later Mr. Ruggiero touched Darran's back! (To move him out of the way and get to the food, other friends, or something).

"It was pretty thrilling," Darran said, in a statement I made up just now.