Lady Gaga says: Be friends with the press

After sitting for three hours in the MMVA press room, waiting as some of the show's most famous guests bypassed the media, everyone was thrilled to find out Lady Gaga was actually going to come answer questions.

The energy and anticipation in the room sure did build over the 15 minutes we waited for her. Every last seat was filled, while those standing had to clear room for her to enter. Chairs and microphones were removed, then replaced from the stage. Until eventually Lady Gaga emerged. Oh how happy we were!

In our short time with her, Gaga proved more than game to answer questions as honestly as possible. Moderator Traci Melchior tried to wrap after asking only a couple of her own questions, and I love the look on Gaga's face when the press room objected.

Since Gaga was game for more time with us, one reporter asked her to comment on her decision to give us the time that some other celebs didn't.

"I would say the press is your friend, and it's all an art form," she responded. "You choose what the public views and what the public sees of you. And I believe I'm private in public at all times ... So you should be friends with the press."

Hear that Colin Farrell? Trevor Donovan? Selena Gomez? Avril Lavigne? Snoop Dogg? Ian Somerhalder? Bruno Mars?

You should be friends with me. Lady Gaga said so.

Seriously though, I couldn't stop smiling as Lady Gaga walked by me in her ridiculous shoes, and spoke quite casually to the press.

I think I'm crushing on her more than I ever thought I would.