30 Rock 100th episode party videos

Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin and the cast of 30 Rock shot their 100th episode last week, culminating in a speech from Fey and a cake-cutting ceremony, as seen above.

"Let's face it, no one thought this would ever happen. No one," Tina said. "I would like to thank NBC for being too distracted over the last several years to remember to cancel us."

Baldwin offered alternative reasoning to explain the show's longevity, however.

"The writing. They are the funniest writers, they are smartest writers of everybody on TV, it's not even close," he said. "I mean those [other] shows are funny, but I just think these are the funniest."

Click inside for on-set interviews with Tina, Alec and Jane Krakowski in which they talk about the show's success, favourite guest stars, and more 30 Rock!