Them's fightin' words, Sharon Osbourne

Sharon Osbourne appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live last week to promote America's Got Talent, when the convo turned to the new all-female panel talk show she'll cohost this fall called the Talk.

Osbourne insisted that the View ripoff is not, I repeat not, a ripoff of the View.

"We're very different women, we've got different opinions, we're not miserable and dry," she said.

Sounds groundbreaking!

Sharebot went on to clarify that the main difference between the two shows is that Elisabeth Hasselbeck won't be on the Talk.

"I think ours will be a bit edgier, and more real and not so politically correct like you've got a stick up your ass and you're all dry," she said.

Asked to name her least favourite host on the View, she then responded, "Oh that little blonde idiot."

While I agree with Osbourne's take on Hasselbeck, I still don't think the Talk stands a chance of surviving more than one season.