Who works Bieber bangs better: Affleck vs. Bieber

Ben Affleck emerged in front of the paparazzi this week with a fresh head of Bieber bangs.

While one's first instinct might be to think the Oscar-winner is tackling a midlife crisis with a youthful haircut, in reality he's gone the floppy hair route for a role.

Which is a good thing. While I admit I had floppy bangs for about the first 25 years of my life, I'm happy to say I quit that shit right before Bieber took over.

An adult cannot and should not take the lead from Justin Bieber. We just can't pull off floppy hair, a fake urban accent and "dating" Selena Gomez like he can.

So who works their Bieber bangs better? Bieber, of course.

Don't feel too bad, Ben Affleck. At your age, I'd be worried if this hairstyle did suit you.