Empire state of mind

As you may recall, last summer Vanessa and I took a weekend trip to Chicago.

We had a blast. We ate. We shopped. We segway'd.

We had so much fun we would spontaneously burst into song as we walked down the street.

The only problem was, we didn't know any songs about Chicago, so instead we'd sing the Jay-Z and Alicia Keys hit 'Empire State of Mind.'

Sometimes we'd replace the word 'New York' with 'Chicago,' but most of the time we didn't mess with the masterpiece.

In planning our trip this year, we decided it was time to revisit NYC, so we could sing our favourite anthem in the city that inspired it all.

We visited New York along with Jackie and Seth Green back in 2009, and believe you me we've come up with one hell of a list of fun to complement the great time we had years ago.

So sit tight my lovelies. I shall return Tuesday eve with a whole bucket load of stories.