BB12: Captain Kosher breaks bread, says his peace

Matt, Andrew and Regan are the final three left in the combined endurance HoH and Have / Have Not competition. Matt ultimately stands the test of time at over 2hrs on the surf board wall with Regan joining Brendon, Andrew, Britney and Enzo as the Have Nots for the week.

Lane and Enzo start to speculate with Matt re: Hayden's relationship with Kristen and whether they are siblings, best friends or friends with benefits are all other thoughts in between are being passed around. Enzo reminds them - "bros before hoes" and the importance of The Brigade. Somehow I think Hayden is thinking with mini-Hayden in his pants more than the (most likely) mini(er) Hayden on his shoulders.

Matt continues to play his cards to close to chest and works out a deal that has Rachel and Brendon safe for this week and Andrew and Kathy up on the chopping block. Rumours continue to swirl about Brendon and Rachel being up on the chopping block replacing one of the two if one of the Brigade members win the PoV. As luck would have it, both Rachel and Brendon are selected to compete for the coveted necklace along with brigade member Lane. The Amazing Enzo, hosted the PoV competition - a game of numbers and memory tricks. Brendon, Rachel and Andrew are the final three competing for the PoV, with Brendon ultimately winning the coveted prize and saving Brenchel from eviction.

During the PoV meeting - Andrew draws the line - after a covert chat with Brendon in the Have Not bedroom - and annouces he's coming after Brenchel as his next step. Despite making a plea, Brendon decides not to use the PoV and lets the nominations stand.

Eviction night provides JC with the opportunity to reaveal to America Matt's wife's discontent with his lie on her non-existent disease. The night also revealed a new side to Captain Kosher - aka, Andrew - as he tried to save himself from eviction, but laying the cards - all of them - on the table. Revealing the showmance between Hayden and Kristen and stirring the pot between all other behind the scenes characters - Regan, especially - in sharing their strategy or perceived actions. Captain Kosher confirmed his previously identified enemies and found new ones while also helping those still uncertain of their vote. Captain Kosher's plea took JC by surprise and resulted in him being evicted from the BB house, with a unanimous vote of 8-0.

As the hosueguests still try to piece together Captain Kosher's final remarks, they're forced to enter the backyard and test their competition memory skills to knockout their opponents Mensa Matt was ineligible. Sad day. Rachel outsmarted the other houseguests and is the HoH for the second time this season, drawing more lines in the sand between Rachel, her flotation devices and AWEFUL hair extensions, and the rest of the house - in particular, Kristen.
JC ends the episode with a glimmer of the show's mantra - 'expect the unexpected' - by revealing the return of Pandora's Box and the opportunity for America to extend an invite to a current houseguest to keep up the good work of the sab. Grasping at straws, no?

Enzo causes some breaks in The Brigade through trying to tear Kristen and Hayden apart.

Regan shares some professional and personal insecurities which make him a target for Brenchel.

Also, proof that my predictions aren't all redic - last week one of my predictions came through when I said "Andrew unveils his secrets of [...] Hayden and Kristen's showmance to the other houseguests in an effort to stay in the game." Too bad, for Andrew's sake, it backfired.

Looking to the week ahead, we wonder how much longer the two showmance couples - Brenchel and Hayten will be able to survive and stand one another's cute-factor.Some final reflections from our favourite houseguests on the week that was in the BB house -

"Guess what people - you better watch out - because this house is being taken over by 'Brenchel'" - Brendon
"I love role playing, mainly with horses and cows in wondering what they will say to me" - Lane

"This has some big potential for some TNT to blow up in your face, Matt" - Andrew

The BB Houseguest of the week - Kathy Hillis - viewers learned more this week about her adversarial nature and her recent bout with ovarian cancer. Whether it is that factor or her ability to relate to her houseguests, the sole 'rent in the home has garnered the respect of both viewers and houseguests...for the time being, until she needs to wade through a giant pile of caramel again.