Last week Linda texts me: "Why didn't you tell me our friend Jake Epstein is in Billy Elliot?!"
My response: "He wasn't when I saw it. Who does he play?!"
I know, friends. Shameful that there's been a development in Jake Epstein's career and I wasn't right on top of it. After all those times we crossed paths at Chapters a few years ago. Sometimes you just lose touch, you know?
Well, the internet tells me that Epstein's addition to Toronto's production of Billy Elliot was announced in June.
He plays the role of Tony, Billy's older brother. Which makes sense, because he's too old to play Billy, too young to play Billy's dad and too male to play Billy's ballet teacher.
If you want to catch him in the role you better be quick. Billy Elliot's only playing in Toronto until September 3.
Epstein fan or not, I highly recommend going. It's a great show!