About 15 minutes after my and Vanessa's historic gchat about 1990s teen magazines, she sent the above delightful surprise to my inbox.
The subject line was "Oh my god!!"
"December 1999 issue of Seventeen - is this who I think it is!?" she wrote.
Because I couldn't quite believe my eyes, I did a quick Google search and confirmed that yes indeed, that is Gossip Girl's Jessica Szohr modeling for Claire's Accessories.
She would have been 14 at the time.
Everything about this is great, including but not limited to: her hair, her crooked teeth, the sparkly stars in her hair and her shiny hologram shirt which, if you look closely, has 2000s floating around its crazy design.
"Her shirt is heinous," Vanessa wrote.
But what else would one wear to make a statement for the party of the century?!
Honestly though. Who could have predicted that this girl would go on to stiffly portray one of the most unnecessary characters on the CW hit Gossip Girl?! Or that today she'd be modeling nude for SoBe Water?
Certainly not I.
If you have any hilarious magazine covers, celebrity photos, or other artifacts from the 1990s you'd like to share with us here at outisthrough.com, hit me up at chris[at]outisthrough.com.