by Miss Jackée/Miss Jackay/Jackie
Is Canada’s 20th Prime Minister working at Sleep Country?!
No, he is not. But a man who looks quite a bit like him is!
My first month as Out Is Through’s Official Montreal Correspondent was making me feel like an Official Failure. I’d moved to a new city and legally adopted a fun new name, but for what? Sightings and almost sightings were few and far between.
So when I spotted a man that kind of looked like Jean Chrétien, I whipped out my camera and followed him for a few blocks. Alas, I followed the man directly to a Sleep Country store where it turns out he worked. A closer look at his face confirmed that he was definitely not the sexy politician I took him for.
You’re probably thinking, “Miss Jackée (formerly Miss Jackay, formerly Jackie), this isn’t even an almost sighting, it’s a non-sighting!”
I know. Trust me, I know. But I put time and effort into following this guy so I had to do something with that photo!